“Alba Di Luna Sul Bosco” – F. Santoliquido

“Alba Di Luna Sul Bosco”
Music by Francesco Santoliquido (1883–1971)
Luciana Bueno, mezzo-soprano
Fabio Bezuti, piano
Gabriel Lehto, edição e video

Guarda, la luna nasce tutta rossa
come una fiamma congelata nel cielo,
Lo stagno la riflette e l’acqua mossa dal vento
Par rabbrividire al gelo.
Che pace immensa, Il bosco addormentato,
si riflette nello stagno.
Quanto silenzio intorno!
Dimmi: È un tramonto o un’alba per l’amor?

The rise of the moon above the forest

Look, the moon rises fully red
Like a flame frozen in the sky,
The pond reflects her, and the water as if shivering
Flickers in the wind.
What a profound peace, the sleeping woods,
Reflected in the pond.
What silence abounds!
Tell me: Is it dusk or a dawn of love?

The sun and moon shine upon us, giving us sustenance. We hope to emerge from this storm stronger without our faith in humanity shaken.

Naomi Munakata, tomorrow with your birthday, we will celebrate your life, as well as the gifts you nurtured in your friends, students and all those touched by your musical spirit.

#togetherapart #songsofcomfort #staysafe #juntossomosfortes #seremosmelhores